Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Cookin'

Summer cookin', had me a blast. Summer cookin' happened so fast... wait, what?

So, summer has ARRIVED and is in full force here in Arkansas. It's hot, sweltery (is that a word?), and makes you just want to stay inside. Unfortunately, being active outside this time of year is way more uncomfortable than during the spring and fall months. Bike riding is miserable and expect to have a soaked shirt if you want to go hiking, even at dusk. The only thing I want to do is sit in my son's blow-up pool with a cold drink in my hand.

I confess that when I lost my workout mo-jo due to my tendonitis, I REALLY lost it and haven't been active since. It was really difficult for me to commit to getting up that early and working my body and if I'm going to do that again, I have to psych myself up and need lots of encouragement. The toddler still isn't sleeping as well as he used to and has started getting up a little earlier in the mornings (mornings are already a rush for all three of us to get out the door) so I'm rethinking the working out first thing in the morning. It's also hard for me to go to the gym in the middle of work because our locker room isn't right next to our gym and I have to go in and change, go work out, go back to the locker room to change out of my sweaty clothes and then it ends up being an hour or more and I only get 30 minutes for lunch. So...excuses, excuses, I know. I'm going to try to start doing Zumba at home on the Wii because at this point, I think it's my best choice. Now, the best time to do that is still up in the air.

The good news in all of this is that I haven't gained back those 5+ pounds I lost. How I haven't is beyond me but I think it may have to do something with how active my little boy is and the stamina it takes to keep up with him. So, even though he wears me out, I guess it's good for me!

All that being said, I am currently trying to make a grocery list and since it's so DANG hot, I'm trying to figure out what I can fix just using my stove top or crock pot or broil (less time in the oven) so my whole house doesn't go up to 85 degrees during suppertime. Some things I've started making that have been good are roasted chicken in the crock pot (which stretches to two or three meals), balsamic broiled veggies with pasta, steak quesadillas with pre-made steak strips, salads with imitation crab and lots of cut up veggies, corned beef sammies (using canned corned beef and provolone on pumpernickel or rye). Most of these are low-fat and if you pair them with healthy options, then you have a well-rounded dinner.

What are your go-to summer meals? Are you doing anything active right now? What would help you get motivated to do better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i always think of the crock pot for things like soup (winter foods), and forget what a help it is when it's too hot to have the oven running!

i'll be trying that roasted chicken in the crock pot meal soon, and trying to find other summer meals that use the crock pot.
