I'm not sure if anyone has talked about this yet, if so, sorry for repeating. But I realized something this week.
I look awesome naked.
Yes, you heard right. I love the way I look without clothes on when I get out of the shower. That doesn't mean that I want to walk around naked all the time or that I'm narcissistic or that I don't need to lose weight.
I would die of embarrassment naked in public, am highly self-conscious, and *do* need to lose weight to be healthy. But, the clothes we wear probably do a lot for our self-esteem.
You know what I'm talking about, right? We all have that favorite pair of jeans. Why is it our favorite? Most likely it's because it fits us well, makes our butt look awesome, hides that muffin top, etc., right?
Why don't we all own a whole closet of clothes that look good and make us feel good?
I don't know. But I examined this. Why do I own 2+ pairs of jeans that I feel make me look fat? Well, I remember on 2 of those pairs. It's because they were cheap. I bought those 2 pairs at Old Navy on clearance for under $15. Not each, but total. Do I ever wear them? Nope. (That's not true, they fit better right after the wedding than they do in the months following... I got excited about food again after the wedding. I think I was *really* watching what I was eating, even if it was subconscious.)
And buying clothes because "maybe" you'll fit into them in a month or after you lose 10 pounds? Also, something I'm guilty of. If I hadn't bought that shirt that I liked, but didn't fit well, I would have had money for that shirt that I LOVED when I found it 2 weeks later.
So, my goal for this week? Take everything out of my closet that doesn't look "good" on me. I realize I may be down to 2 pairs of jeans and 5 shirts (kidding!), but there will be less clutter, more simple, and another box in storage. In about 3-4 months, I'll pull that box out and see if I feel any differently about any of those clothes I "like" but never wear because they don't look good. If I feel the same about them, I'll send them on to Goodwill.
Second goal? Quit buying stuff that doesn't look good and/or make me feel good!
Also, update: I've worked out 3 times in the last 2 weeks. I know, I know! Not good. But two of those times were in the last 48 hours. That's not bad, is it? ;-)