so, the good news is that I'm staying under 200 still. actually, in the past two weeks, i've lost 2.2 lbs (thanks to loseit! because i always forget my previous weights). that's good. well, that's something. i'm trying to stay pretty stable because of the wedding and i'd hate to get the dress fitted again in the next three weeks. speaking of the dress, it'll be here on wednesday. so expect a "real" wedding dress fitting update next week.
so as much as i need to stay stable, i really want to lose more weight. i'm definitely becoming much more comfortable with my body, and i've gone down a pants size (although i don't know how much i "dropped a size" as wasn't ever wearing the correct size to begin with)-- but i want more. greedy, greedy, greedy.
in all honesty, i think it'll be easier to lose weight when i'm married. i will have more time to prepare dinner and make healthy lunches for the next day, because my commute will be cut down from over an hour, to about 10 minutes. i may be home in time to relax before i even think about dinner! and i've already warned chris that there will be very few junk food items in the house. my problem with junk food is that if it's in the house, i'll eat it. all of it. usually in one sitting. he seems ok with it. we'll see how that works out.
BUT-- i have had a dark chocolate mint truffle sitting in my desk drawer for almost a week now. it's there as my emergency stash- when i'm having a HUGE craving for chocolate. i've almost broken into it a few times, but asked myself if i REALLY needed to have it-- and i didn't.
Not to discourage you, but I was WAY skinnier before I got married. When I was only responsible for myself, I could eat right. I was only buying food for me and my time was my time. Once you're sharing everything (food, time), it's hard. At least it was for me. I think it's that way for most people, but you can do better! Don't be like me!
Sorry Erin, but I'm with Leann on this. I gained 10 lbs the first year. I've never been back down that low and probably never will be.
What does work is if hubby is on board with loosing a few lbs as well. It keeps you accountable to one another, you can give each other the eye when you try and sneak a snack, and it's easier to shop for and prep one meal instead of two different versions, you and him.
On that other hand I know that you can do whatever you set your mind to do, you CAN do it!
Sorry Erin, but I'm with Leann on this. I gained 10 lbs the first year. I've never been back down that low and probably never will be.
What does work is if hubby is on board with loosing a few lbs as well. It keeps you accountable to one another, you can give each other the eye when you try and sneak a snack, and it's easier to shop for and prep one meal instead of two different versions, you and him.
On that other hand I know that you can do whatever you set your mind to do, you CAN do it!
yeah, i'm kinda scared of that. especially after kyrstin's latest posts. but it DOES seem to be something we'll both be on board with, and it's easier to cook for two than for one, so i'm really hopeful. well, i guess we'll find out soon!
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