Friday, July 9, 2010


So, on my walk in to the office today, I decided that WHEN I lose the last 15 pounds of baby weight, I will drive myself and the baby down to Dallas for a nice visit with Erin. We will go shopping for clothes and have a great time. I need a goal other than just "losing the weight" because although that in and of itself is quite rewarding, I need something a little more motivating. And what better motivation that a trip to see my BFF? I know it may take awhile to lose the weight, even though it's only 15 pounds, but I'd rather lose is slowly and healthily and keep it off than to crash diet and lose it but have it come back soon after.

I started working out last week, but I only made it one day to the gym before getting sick with bronchitis. I need to get back to it, but I'm having a hard time this week. I'm feeling sorry for myself for having to go back to work while my husband "gets" to stay home with the baby (although, he'd gladly trade places with me if it were possible). I can do nothing to change this (I don't have the option of staying home like some women do--I'm the breadwinner at the moment) but it doesn't make it any easier. I figure if I can start exercising, I'll feel a bit better about myself. I'll have more energy and my mood will be lifted. Plus, I'll just generally feel better.

I look forward to looking and feeling better, not to mention going to see my girl!


Anonymous said...

well, yay for this motivation! of course it thrills me!

i'll need to use you as my motivation then-- my goal will be to lose... some?... weight by the time you visit.

yay for shopping!

Hannah said...

It took me about 6 months to loose the 15 lbs baby weight. I think you will do awesomely well with such a great reward waiting for you and a gym available.

Hannah said...

It took me about 6 months to loose the 15 lbs baby weight. I think you will do awesomely well with such a great reward waiting for you and a gym available.

LeLe said...

I will start back up next week at the gym. This week has been weird. I started two weeks ago and only lasted ONE minute on the elliptical; that thing is brutal. My thighs were burning so bad, which is a good thing. Gotta make small goals.