Although "run" might be a bit misleading. What I did was day one of the c25k program. It uses intervals, running/walking and builds up every day. After 9 weeks it's a solid 45 minute run of approximately 5k. I had a conversation with a friend who used the program last year (and who now races half marathons) and she spoke highly of it. Just a few days later I found that they had an iPhone app. I was excited because, you know me, if I can use technology to do something it becomes far more attractive to me. The app lets you import a playlist of songs for your run and gives you voice and sound cues when it is time to switch your interval. You basically put on your headphones, pick the day you are working on and hit "go." No watching the clock, timing your intervals, counting laps. You put on your headphones, listen to music and the program tells you what to do (even lets you know the halfway point so you can turn around.)
I only made it through about 20 minutes of the 30 minute program. I was feeling pretty good until about 13 minutes, which was into the 4th running interval. Then my ankles started hurting, and of course the burning chest and throat that goes with running and I was reminded of WHY I HATE RUNNING. Also, the thunder and lightning that caused me a moment of pause before I left the house started up right overhead so I turned around to go home shortly before the halfway point. I did manage to get home before the rain started.
Also, it was quiet, cool and peaceful, if a bit painful.
So, my plan for the next 9 weeks is to run tuesday, thursday and Sunday. Wish me luck!
Oooh, good luck! I don't run. I've tried and I just can't. do. it. I tried the couch to 5k a few years ago. They had a podcast that I downloaded and I think I did two sessions on the treadmill, finishing neither. I have weak ankles and I was hurting. I really wish I loved running. MK used to run 3 miles a day eons ago but I just never got into it. Wish I had more ambition.
i think it's so awesome you're doing this. i, too, hate running, but would love to find something similar that will motivate me in ANY way.
I'm so totally getting this app. Although, I run like an elephant, so there's still a good chance that I'll inadvertently hurt myself. Gah...why is running so hard?
Why *is* running so hard? It's hard on your body in some aspects, too!
Hannah-- I'm glad you've found something motivating! And getting up at that time of the morning, while early, it is very peaceful. :-)
Karen, I run like an elephant too. Or maybe that episode of Friends where people are embarrassed to run with Phoebe.
Honestly the "alone" time is the biggest motivator right now, since I have a hard time working out with the kids up and running around.
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