Unless that bacon lover is also a girl trying to lose 20 pounds by the beginning of second semester.
Why does ranch dressing taste so good? Greasy pizza? Delicious chocolate chip cookies? Oh... I could go on and on and on...
But I won't. The point here is that modern conveniences make having your favorite unhealthy treats simple and convenient. I used to hardly ever eat bacon, but then I found that microwavable bacon has (nearly) the same taste and curbs my craving for fatty food.... by giving me that dose of fat that my hips do not need.
I was going to write about tasty, low-calorie salad options, but what's the point if follow up that salad with something grossly unhealthy for me? Basically, I'm feeling guilty. I know what I should be eating, but I choose the bad option every time. Is there something wrong with me? What makes me choose these bad options for food, then feel guilty about them afterward? I want to be skinny. Or at least skinny for me. I want to be under 200 pounds. But since the beginning of summer, I've gained 10 pounds. In the 3 months since my wedding, instead of losing weight I've gained it. I need help. An intervention.
They say the best things you want don't come easily, right? Well, they should come easier than this...
Despite what the number says, I still think I look ok. I don't look great, but I'm at least accepting of what I look like. I don't mind the way I look... but I look at pictures and I hate the way I look in those. Why do cameras add ten pounds? I'm just going to have to keep working. And find a motivation for walking. Which I think I might have found here.
I'm exploring the "Shieldmaiden Challenge" this week. Wish me luck! (And to stay away from the bacon!)
1) it's so good to see you on here again :-)
2) i TOTALLY agree with your comments about how easy it is to eat unhealthy foods as opposed to healthy foods. no fair.
3) we're still here for you.
Honey, you don't want to be skinny. You want to be HEALTHY, no matter what that looks like. Eat right because you want a healthy heart and a long life and a lot of energy to spread your wonderfulness around. But don't do it to be skinny. That word smacks of ugly-thin models and cranky women who don't know the fabulous taste of homemade bread with jam.
What Karen said. ^
I also hate that the easiest things to prepare are unhealthy. Having a 4-month-old only allows me a brief window to prepare food, so I look for the quickest thing I can get on the table. Often, that's a well-preserved frozen skillet meat. Not healthy. The other night, I didn't get to eat my supper until after Win went to bed. And it wasn't because MK wouldn't take care of him. It's because Win demanded me. *sigh* Maybe I'll lose some weight by just not eating! :P
My weakness: ranch dressing on salad. If I can't have a good, tasty dressing, I don't want salad. Period.
"We're all in this together." *sings*
Why? Think evolution. Not so very long ago in human history you ate what you could when you could, bonus if it had lots of calories (fat and sugar) so you didn't waste away during the winter. Now all that stuff is cheap, fast and easy and we haven't lost the taste for it.
I also agree with Karen, Kate Moss says "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and she lies.
You guys are right, I don't want to be "skinny". I want to be healthy and feel better and just generally have more energy to do things. I'm just so weak these days in my resolve. It's frustrating.
P.S. Tonight I have beef and mushroom pizza with cheesy bread and the most amazing ranch dressing ever. I need an intervention.
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