Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years!

New Years, New Years! A time for making resolutions…and, if you’re like me, breaking them just as fast.

It’s funny, I was walking in Fred Meyer, and they have their seasonal section, which typically goes from Halloween to Christmas. Well, Christmas is on its way out, only the crappiest candy (those fake chocolate candies in the foil that really have no flavor other than the foil) and the tackiest decorations are left. Valentine’s way is creeping in (is it really time to start thinking about red hearts and roses already?), but lo and behold, there’s one aisle standing between the two holidays: New Years.

But what qualifies as a seasonal New Year’s item, you ask? Champagne glasses? Confetti? Noisemakers? All good guesses, but alas, you’re off the mark.

No, the entire aisle is filled with workout equipment. Yoga balls, free weights, elliptical machines, jump ropes, kettle balls… and then you have the sketchier, as-seen-on-TV stuff. I think we’ve all seen the Shake Weight commercial, no? With it’s oddly…um…inappropriate movement? Or how about the electric waistbelt that supposedly shocks your way to a six-pack? What about the hazmat-looking sweatsuits that help you burn weight in twice the time (but the instant you drink a bottle of water it comes right back)?

New Years is all about the resolutions, and evidently we all have the same one: We all want to lose weight.

Which is funny, in and of itself, right? There’s an entire market out there designed to come up with the latest creepy gadget designed to “help” people lose weight, and this time of year is like tax season for accountants. Put it on the market and someone will try it, and then right around Valentine’s Day, it’ll be collecting dust in the back of the closet.

(I’m a little cynical, aren’t I?)

What’s the weirdest, most off-the-wall weight loss trend or gadget that you’ve seen? (Don’t worry, I won’t ask you if you’ve tried it) Here’s a little inspiration to get you started: The Most Ridiculous, Absurd, and Over-Hyped Diets of 2010


LeLe said...

The Shake Weight makes me giggle like a 14-year-old every time I see it. I saw a commercial one day last Spring and I can't remember the name of it but it was some sort of contraption that you sit on and it tones your butt and legs. It also made me giggle. I wish I could remember it and I couldn't find it on the As-Seen-on-TV website.

Anonymous said...

haha! love the link you posted. i pick the twinkie diet. it's gotta work, right??

but seriously, i was once on a jello diet. not by choice. due to medical problems and by doctor's orders. it was miserable. i got so sick of jello. BUT i did lose a lot of weight, even if i didn't mean to!

Hannah said...

So.... I have tried the ab shocker thing. I didn't buy it but my sister did :P

For the first time in a couple years my resolution is not to lose weight but to just be healthier in general.