Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolutions = Goals

Why hello there fellow Twitter to Get Fitter ladies! I am indeed still alive and still doing well! I am however, horrible at remembering to blog. I need to start making it a daily habit over on my personal blog. I think that will be my New Year's Resolution, er- goal... we'll see. I think goal has a much more positive connotation than resolution. Resolutions mean failure for millions of Americans. Goals have promise and hope all wrapped into them, so speaking of New Year's goals, I have a few health-wise that I'd like to implement!
  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. I simply don't drink enough water. I drink \juice and a TON of diet soda. (Which I'm not ready to cut out of my diet quite yet.) I need more milk, but that goes into #2.
  2. Balance the food groups. I seem to get plenty of carbs and protein, but not enough dairy or fruits and veggies. I'm adding more veggies to dinner and trying to keep fresh fruit in the house. It's helping. I wish grapes were on sale more often and strawberries were perpetually in season!
  3. Get to the gym. I will get to the gym twice a week. Every week. If I feel like going more, I will. But I will go for at least 45 minutes, twice a week. I think I can find time for that. Even if it's only on the weekends. Besides, Will goes every day for 45 minutes. I really only need to join him once a week and find another time to go on my own. We each use his gym time as some "alone" time. Even happily married newly weds need time apart. That's for my mental health! :-)
  4. Quit sweating the small stuff. So I just ate a cookie. Or maybe two. I don't do this ALL the time. And most of the time I choose a few crackers, a glass of water or juice, or handful of tortilla chips and salsa. (I consider this a wash. A serving of salsa, 1/4 cup, is one serving of vegetables. And I drown my chips.) Overall, I do a good job choosing decent snacks when I have access to them. I need to find more "on the go" snacks to take to campus. Any suggestions?
So there are my four health related resolutions. They are all reasonable and attainable. And I can measure all of them, for the most part. I think that's important for me. I need to be able to measure my goals and make progress towards them. Now, excuse me while I go pour a glass of water!

What are you doing to get healthy in the New Year?


LeLe said...

High-fiber granola bars are a good snack. You can find them by the breakfast foods. I like the Quaker dark chocolate and raspberry. They have nuts and dark chocolate and dried raspberries and are really tasty.

Anonymous said...

and my favorite snacks are a small baggie of frosted mini wheats (eaten dry, they're like candy) or sunflower seeds (you have to "work" for your food). just stock your bag up with single servings of healthier food and you'll be set!

LeLe said...

You could even get some of those fun containers that moms have for kids for cheerios and stuff. Erin got me one of these for Win but she almost kept it for herself. Haha.

Anonymous said...

can you blame me? it's a neat container! :-)

LeLe said...

No, it is pretty cool. And he's just started eating puffs so I'm about to start using it.:)

Kyrstin said...

Those are all awesome ideas! Thanks guys!