Monday, December 27, 2010

how bout that challenge?

remember the challenge/contest that was mentioned, well, in october??

i've got something for ya now. the new year is coming. and you know what that means. fresh starts. new you. attempts that fail after a month, if you're lucky. two weeks if you're an average american.
i made those stats up. but i believe most of us fail our resolutions soon after we make them.

well, how about more of a participation thing, than an actual resolution? it's not an easy one. but nothing worth it ever is.

i got some free martha stewart magazines thanks to my darling mother-in-law. well, it seems included with this are some issues of whole living, a martha stewart production. it's neat. better than something limited like shape magazine, it seems to encourage general healthy living.

there's a challenge in the january issue-- if you can find this magazine, feel free to get it so you can participate!-- that doesn't look easy. but i'm going to try it, and i am inviting all of you to join it also. i'll start it every monday starting in january, and i'll tell you what the magazine says to do for that week, or you can look at it online here. it is sort of a cleanse, limiting when you eat things like processed foods and sugar and meat. here's the run down of what it will cover:

week 1: pare down and purify
eating lots of smoothies, beans, veggies, millet. fresh fruits, lots of water. avoiding things like added sugar, alcohol, caffeine, wheat, eggs, dairy...
using yoga to detox your body and clearing clutter to detox your mind.

week 2: lay a wholesome foundation
gradually add in some avoided foods like wheat, dairy, soy. i can't wait to try the avocado dressing on the creamy kale salad this week. also get to have oily fish. continue to avoid sugar, processed foods.
continue yoga, focusing on core strength. focus on positive emotions.

week 3: gain momentum
explore spices in your diet. this week's menu includes things like roasted tomatoes, roasted chickpeas, and creamy broccoli-white bean soup. also something that looks like a cookie, but i don't know what amaranth is.
exercise is more cardio and invigorating workouts

week 4: a new you-- for good
increase the plant-to-animal ratio in your diet. the chipotle-avocado sandwich looks delicious. so does the linguine with toasted almonds, lemon, and romano cheese. yum.
continue the workout from week 3.

so. it's not easy. it's also not a crash diet. more of a see-what-you-can-live-without-in-your-diet regime. like sugar, which is a HUGE problem for me. it shouldn't be a daily addition, but more of a fancy treat, you know? i'm not saying that i'm going to follow this all the way. i have some things that will be hard to live without. like a whole week with just smoothies? we'll see how i do. but i thought it would be fun, and i know that when i eat better, and DO remove those certain items from my diet, i feel so much better. so i'm going to really try to show myself i can do this.

use this week to prepare for week 1. log on to the site, and click on the "food and recipes" tab. i've already got the menu pretty much planned out for next week, and it definitely doesn't look like i'll be starving!


LeLe said...

This sounds like something I need to do but not sure how well I'll do with MK's surgery being on the 4th. I figure people will be bringing us food (at least, I hope they will b/c that would be awesome). I definitely need to see what I can live without, so I guess I need to go ahead and finish off the Christmas candy, huh?

P.S. Any advice on where I can do yoga in my house? I have limited space.

Anonymous said...

what about doing it in your office room? that looks to have the most space that i can think of. although, i don't think you need a lot of space. your living room would probably be just fine. maybe scoot back that chair a little bit when you need to.

LeLe said...

There's a lot of junk in the office floor lately, which I need to go through. And I don't have any privacy in the living room because that's where Mabe hangs out and I don't really wanna workout in front of anyone, you know? It's the only "hang out" room in the Yuck.

Hannah said...

I think I'm in... my challenge will be trying to make this plan a bit family friendly. Eggs are a HUGE part of our daily protein, in fact it's almost the only real protein the big one will eat.

Tamara said...

HOMYGOODNESS. I will CHEER for you ladies like mad. I'm already cheering that you're even considering it. GO GO GO!

Kyrstin said...

I think this sounds awesome. But I'm not sure I can do it. Between time and Will being against "yuppie" foods... But I'll do as much as I can on my own. Starting with NOT eating fast food while on campus. And I can cut out sugar. I usually only eat chocolate squares and ice cream for sugar. And diet pop. Which is kinda like sugar. I guess. Hmmmm...

LeLe said...

"Yuppie" food. Haha. I don't even know what millet is. I went through some of the info on that site and I don't think I can fully commit, but I can sure try to make specific changes. I don't think something like this is really ideal for people who have to bring their lunch to work or who live in rural areas where organic food is expensive and limited as are non-conventional food items. But I definitely think it's more than just about the food.

Anonymous said...

I'll do what I can, but I can't give up caffeine or drink Kale smoothies. *shudders*