Arguments I have with myself...
"I don't have enough time to exercise."
You have a lunch break in which you usually just waste time surfing the internet. You can also take 15 minutes mid-morning and 15 minutes mid-afternoon if you need to (the smokers get breaks, so why can't you go to the gym?). You have a free gym on-location. You have a free locker with a combination to store your shoes and gym clothes. Use those resources.
"I'm too tired."
You think you're tired now? Just wait until the baby is crawling and then walking and you have to chase him around. He's not getting any lighter. Go lift some weights, woman.
"I can't afford to eat right."
That didn't stop you from spending $4.15 on a (fried) chicken biscuit, hash rounds, and a Dr. Pepper this morning in the BK drive-thru. You could have used that money for in-season fruit. Apples, for instance. Quit wasting money on junk.
"I don't have any motivation."
Yes, you do. Feeling good. Being healthy. Getting back into pre-pregnancy clothes, or at least, clothes that make you feel like you aren't wearing a tent. Looking good for your husband. Being fit enough to keep up with your son. Plenty of motivation.
I know it's not reasonable to think that I can look like this again... (about 65 pounds ago)
But not impossible that I can get back down to this... (about 40 pounds ago and the time I felt most comfortable with my body)
Heck...I'd settle for 20 pounds at this point and think 30 is do-able, even though I know it may take me 6 months to a year to do it. So, my goal is to go to the gym THREE days a week for thirty minutes a pop, starting out. I can divide it up if I need to, going 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there, so long as I get 90 minutes of activity per week. I plan on walking the treadmill for 15 minutes at a time, on an incline and at least 3 miles per hour (more, if I can handle it). I will also do the weight machines: arms, legs, core.Eventually, I'll move up and intensify.
So, the first thing I need to do to get started on Monday is to pack a gym bag. Then set my Outlook Calendar to pop up around mid-morning as a reminder. If I have to wait a bit, I will snooze and not turn off the reminder. I will have water on-hand. Yes, I will do this.
Please keep me accountable.
In a few days, I may come back and post about a "diet" (not really a diet, but more of a new way of eating and exercise where you consume most of your calories in the morning and work them off before afternoon) I read about in All You Magazine. I think it may be something to try out.
i've recently gone through similar excuses myself. and actually started working through them last night! lemme tell you, as hard as it was to get my booty to the gym (which is in my stinkin' apartment complex. right. next. door. to my building), it felt SOOO good to get back there. especially since i found out i wasn't in as bad of shape as i thought. that's motivation, since i was able to do the "hills" round on the stationary bike for longer than another girl did the elliptical. see, i always compare myself to other people at the gym. bad idea.
wow. i just went off on a tangent.
My ultimate goal is to be able to stay on the elliptical for longer than one minute. I'm totally serious.
You can do it. Might even motivate your tired old Mom....
I completely understand all of your arguments. It's been crazy-crazy-crazy staying healthy. I need to walk more. I really do.
And all these vegetables as our new background make me feel guilty. I also buy the frozen ones. Had I not grown up on a hobby farm, I may not even be able to reasonably tell you'd I;d ever touched half of them.
Wow. Look at my tangent. It must be communicable. (Like a disease? Ok. Stopping again before I get off on another terrible tangent.)
True story my favorite LeLe. After Ryan (Mr.10) was born, I was 25 pounds heavier than I am now and only 10 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy normal. I did weight watchers and never ever gained it back. I think in Weight Watcher's points pretty much all the time, although I admittedly ignore them most of the time now. You can totally do this!! I did it and I spend most of my day thinking about what I can shove in my mouth between tweets. I'll be your cheerleader. FYI, I'm currently on the Katniss Everdeen diet. AKA - forget the food, just survive diet.
HAHAHA, Katniss Everdeen diet. I love it.
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