Monday, November 22, 2010


as if i wasn't having a hard enough time getting active...
this weekend, i went and broke my leg. a tendon pulled off my tibia, bringing some bone off with it. i'm still waiting for more instructions, as the urgent care visit was only yesterday-- hoping i can actually walk in the next few days. because BOY do i hate feeling helpless.

so anyways, no update. besides my non-activities.

good news? i walked a LOT before it happened. yay!


Belinda said...

Oh Erin. You poor thing. I'm so sorry. Hope you recoup quickly!!

LeLe said...

You know, not that you have the time, but maybe next semester you could find a water aerobics class. That would be easy on your bones and joints and you'd get some activity. It would be fun!

Sandra said...

Oh god, that's awful! So, ya, no walking for you.
ANd yes, prebreakingleg walking counts for something.

Midwinter Graces said...

Oh my goodness, Erin! I'm so sorry. :-( I hope your recovery time is quick.