Thursday, November 18, 2010

I remembered it was Thursday!

Usually, I have a problem with Thursdays. I am in class from 11:30-4 without breaks on Thursday. I leave my apartment around 10:30 and return at 5. I also have started coaching from 6:30-8 four days a week. So on Thursdays, when I get home from class I usually forget to blog. But this week, I remembered! (Woot!)

I don't have a lot of positive to report or any real changes except, I'm not eating fast food. I've had fast food maybe twice since I last posted 3 (THREE???) weeks ago. I've been to the gym at least once a week for those last few weeks and continue to park my car in a way that maximizes the amount of walking I do on campus.

Additionally, I've cut down on the amount of juice and regular pop I drink. I drink only diet now or water. I've been drinking more water than I was, but not as much as I "should" be. I haven't lost any weight, but I'm feeling better. I'm not as sluggish or tired and I have more energy. So that is a definite plus!

With the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and all the extra food that gets passed around, I am grateful my Thanksgiving with my family was almost two weeks before the Thanksgiving at my in-laws. This spreads out the large caloric intake instead of doing back-to-back giant meals.

I'm in charge of dessert at my in-laws this Thursday. I'll be taking apple crisp and pretending it's good for you because it has apples in it and try to choose the white meat turkey rather than the ham my SIL loves. But that turkey is a treat. It comes on dry ice from Virginia and we only get it twice a year. Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm sure MIL would serve it for Easter as well, but we don't usually get together for Easter. Anyway, I'm going to try to freeze some of our ham to enjoy over time rather than pig out on it all in a few days. I only wish there was a way to hide it from the hubby... he'll probably eat it all before any left-overs make it to the freezer.

But aside from watching what I eat and walking, I have another tidbit I'd like to share: everything in moderation. Go ahead and have that piece of pie, but make it a smaller one. Eat stuffing, but make it a smaller serving. Snack on olives, but fewer than half the can. Enjoy the holiday, enjoy your family, and don't beat yourself up over it. Thanksgiving only comes once a year. (...Thankfully!)


Anonymous said...

cute post. and with the moderation, you're so right. i'm working on that now, because i LOVE stuffing. and i'd eat the entire container of it if i had the option to.

LeLe said...

Dressing/stuffing is my weakness. Seriously. My Grandma makes the BEST dressing. I can't wait.

Tamara said...

Are olives bad????? I LOVE olives. *sadface*

Kyrstin said...

I'm not sure if olives are bad... but I could eat the whole jar. So anytime I stop at less than 10... it's a good day! lol