my post is not nearly as detailed as kyrstin's.
it's also not as serious.
how to not gain weight this holiday season:
1) get sick. there's a virus going around the office that i'm pretty sure i caught. if so, the coming-out-both-ends will surely lose me a couple pounds, no?
2) don't cook. just scavenge for whatever you can find in the fridge. related, don't cook a feast for any holiday. eat out. less fatty leftovers this way.
3) avoid the scale. because, if you don't weigh yourself, you don't gain weight. isn't that how it works? plus, i have a 24-lb cast on my leg (it must weigh that much in order for the scale to be correct).
that's it! three simple steps to staying slim this season.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving! (And an extra few pounds)
Yup! You guessed right! I woke up this morning and weigh 3 more pounds than I did a week ago. And I know why! I've had fast food once this week and haven't gotten to the gym at all. And today is Thanksgiving! One of my favorite holidays! (Besides 4th of July and New Year's... I really like fireworks... haha!)
Anyway, how will I manage to eat all the delicious food and not gain weight? Well, luckily, we are hitting the in-laws today and while there will be two kinds of meat the side dishes will be more limited because there aren't as many people bringing food. I'm bring dessert (apple crisp) and my SIL is bringing potatoes. Chances are, they are just mashed and not anything cheesy or creamy, woot! And the vegetables will also most likely just be steamed or the like. So, this is good news. Maybe I can fill up on green beans and white meat turkey and stay away from the *gasp!* dressing( or stuffing as we call it here, or maybe that's just me?). Or at least only have a few forkfuls.
Also, this morning in my inbox, I found an e-mail from Real Simple. (Have you heard of this magazine? I LOVE it!) Anyway, they included 9 tips to healthy eating for the holidays! Enjoy and have a great holiday if you're in the U.S. or a wonderful Thursday to my Canadian friends!
At a family gathering:
1. Eat the best-for-you offerings first. For example, hot soup as a first course―especially when it's broth-based, not cream-based―can help you avoid eating too much during the main course.
Stand more than an arm's length away from munchies, like a bowl of nuts or chips, while you chat so you're not tempted to raise your hand to your mouth every few seconds.
Concentrate on your meal while you're eating it. Focus on chewing your food well and enjoying the smell, taste, and texture of each item. Research shows that mealtime multitasking (whether at home or at a party) can make you pop mindless calories into your mouth. Of course, dinner-party conversation is only natural, but try to set your food down until you're finished chatting so you are more aware of what you're taking in.
While shopping:
2. Plan your shopping route so you don’t pass the Cinnabon stand a dozen times. The obvious reason? Both sights and smells can coax you to eat, and with some vendors purposefully wafting their aromas your way, saying no can feel impossible.
Choose a proper restaurant over the grab-and-go food court whenever you can. And request a table away from loud sounds and distractions, which can cause you to eat more. The bright lights and noisy hard surfaces can speed up the rate at which you eat and lead to overeating.
Avoid fast-food places that emphasize red in their color schemes. Red has been shown to stimulate the appetite more than many other colors, and many restaurants add it to their decor, in everything from the flowers on the table to the squiggles on the plates.
3. Weigh yourself daily and use that number to guide your actions. (Food diaries are helpful, but only if you’re totally honest and diligent about recording every morsel you eat.) Research has shown that women who step on the scale every day and then act accordingly, either increasing their exercise or being stricter about their eating, are 82 percent less likely to regain lost weight than those who don’t weigh in as often.
Zip yourself into your favorite pair of slim-fitting pants once a week and note how they fit. Too tight? Adjust your eating and exercise habits. Just right? Keep up the good work.
Before a party:
4. Eat breakfast. This has been shown to prevent overeating later in the day.
Limit the number of high-calorie foods on your party plate. Research has shown that when faced with a variety of foods with different tastes, textures, smells, shapes, and colors, people eat more―regardless of their true hunger level. Cutting down on your personal smorgasbord can decrease what you end up eating by 20 to 40 percent.
Choose foods wisely, filling your plate with low-calorie items, such as leafy green salads, vegetable dishes, and lean proteins, and taking smaller portions of the richer ones. That way, you can eat a larger amount of food for fewer calories and not feel deprived.
Pop a sugar-free mint in your mouth. When you’ve had enough (and don’t want to eat more), the feeling of a fresh palate can curb additional noshing.
Before you allow yourself a splurge, do something healthy, like eating a piece of fruit, walking around the office for five minutes, or climbing a few flights of stairs.
Plan on taking whatever tempts you home, and delay the daily indulgence until just before bedtime. At that point, you’re less likely to crave another treat immediately than you would during your afternoon coffee break, especially if the whole box is no longer around.
Pour drinks into tall, skinny glasses, not the fat, wide kind. Other studies at Cornell have shown that people are more likely to pour 30 percent more liquid into squatter vessels.
Sit next to a fellow healthy eater(there’s strength in numbers). Or sidle up to that uncle who eats slowly, so his pace can slow yours.
Wait for all the food to be on the table before making your selections. People who make their choices all at once eat about 14 percent less than do those who keep refilling when each plate is passed.
Keep visual evidence around of what you’ve consumed so you don’t forget. Leave an empty bottle of wine or beer in view and you’ll be less tempted to drink more.
Tell yourself that all the running around you’re doing (cleaning for houseguests, dashing through a million stores to find the perfect presents) can help keep your weight in check. In one Harvard study, people who were simply told that they did enough in their daily lives to meet the surgeon general’s recommendations lost weight and body fat without consciously changing a thing. A possible reason? Believing that what they were doing was having a positive effect may have led to subtle changes in their overall health behaviors.
Choose your indulgences wisely. Instead of wasting calories on foods that you can have at any time of the year, pick items that are truly special and unique to the season, like your grandmother's candied yams or your daughter's first batch of Christmas cookies.
Anyway, how will I manage to eat all the delicious food and not gain weight? Well, luckily, we are hitting the in-laws today and while there will be two kinds of meat the side dishes will be more limited because there aren't as many people bringing food. I'm bring dessert (apple crisp) and my SIL is bringing potatoes. Chances are, they are just mashed and not anything cheesy or creamy, woot! And the vegetables will also most likely just be steamed or the like. So, this is good news. Maybe I can fill up on green beans and white meat turkey and stay away from the *gasp!* dressing( or stuffing as we call it here, or maybe that's just me?). Or at least only have a few forkfuls.
Also, this morning in my inbox, I found an e-mail from Real Simple. (Have you heard of this magazine? I LOVE it!) Anyway, they included 9 tips to healthy eating for the holidays! Enjoy and have a great holiday if you're in the U.S. or a wonderful Thursday to my Canadian friends!
At a family gathering:
1. Eat the best-for-you offerings first. For example, hot soup as a first course―especially when it's broth-based, not cream-based―can help you avoid eating too much during the main course.
Stand more than an arm's length away from munchies, like a bowl of nuts or chips, while you chat so you're not tempted to raise your hand to your mouth every few seconds.
Concentrate on your meal while you're eating it. Focus on chewing your food well and enjoying the smell, taste, and texture of each item. Research shows that mealtime multitasking (whether at home or at a party) can make you pop mindless calories into your mouth. Of course, dinner-party conversation is only natural, but try to set your food down until you're finished chatting so you are more aware of what you're taking in.
While shopping:
2. Plan your shopping route so you don’t pass the Cinnabon stand a dozen times. The obvious reason? Both sights and smells can coax you to eat, and with some vendors purposefully wafting their aromas your way, saying no can feel impossible.
Choose a proper restaurant over the grab-and-go food court whenever you can. And request a table away from loud sounds and distractions, which can cause you to eat more. The bright lights and noisy hard surfaces can speed up the rate at which you eat and lead to overeating.
Avoid fast-food places that emphasize red in their color schemes. Red has been shown to stimulate the appetite more than many other colors, and many restaurants add it to their decor, in everything from the flowers on the table to the squiggles on the plates.
3. Weigh yourself daily and use that number to guide your actions. (Food diaries are helpful, but only if you’re totally honest and diligent about recording every morsel you eat.) Research has shown that women who step on the scale every day and then act accordingly, either increasing their exercise or being stricter about their eating, are 82 percent less likely to regain lost weight than those who don’t weigh in as often.
Zip yourself into your favorite pair of slim-fitting pants once a week and note how they fit. Too tight? Adjust your eating and exercise habits. Just right? Keep up the good work.
Before a party:
4. Eat breakfast. This has been shown to prevent overeating later in the day.
Limit the number of high-calorie foods on your party plate. Research has shown that when faced with a variety of foods with different tastes, textures, smells, shapes, and colors, people eat more―regardless of their true hunger level. Cutting down on your personal smorgasbord can decrease what you end up eating by 20 to 40 percent.
Choose foods wisely, filling your plate with low-calorie items, such as leafy green salads, vegetable dishes, and lean proteins, and taking smaller portions of the richer ones. That way, you can eat a larger amount of food for fewer calories and not feel deprived.
Pop a sugar-free mint in your mouth. When you’ve had enough (and don’t want to eat more), the feeling of a fresh palate can curb additional noshing.
At work:
5. Try to keep communal office goodies out of view, either in an area that isn’t as highly trafficked as the kitchen or the break room, or in dark containers or covered dishes. In one study, people ate 26 percent more Hershey’s Kisses when the candies were in clear dishes versus white ones. And when the chocolates were placed six feet away, the average person ate only four a day, as opposed to nine a day when they were within arm’s reach.
Before you allow yourself a splurge, do something healthy, like eating a piece of fruit, walking around the office for five minutes, or climbing a few flights of stairs.
Plan on taking whatever tempts you home, and delay the daily indulgence until just before bedtime. At that point, you’re less likely to crave another treat immediately than you would during your afternoon coffee break, especially if the whole box is no longer around.
On portion sizes:
6. Use smaller plates and serving utensils. Try a salad or dessert plate for the main course and a teaspoon to serve yourself. What looks like a normal portion on a 12-inch plate or a troughlike bowl can, in fact, be sinfully huge. In one study conducted at the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, even nutrition experts served themselves 31 percent more ice cream when using oversize bowls compared with smaller bowls. The size of the serving utensil mattered, too: Subjects served themselves 57 percent more when they used a three-ounce scoop versus a smaller scoop.
Pour drinks into tall, skinny glasses, not the fat, wide kind. Other studies at Cornell have shown that people are more likely to pour 30 percent more liquid into squatter vessels.
To help you along:
7. Eat with a small group when you can. One study found that dining with six or more people can cause you to eat 76 percent more, most likely because the meal can last so long. (After an hour of staring at the stuffing, you’re more likely to have seconds.) At a big sit-down supper, be the last one to start and the second one to stop eating.
Sit next to a fellow healthy eater(there’s strength in numbers). Or sidle up to that uncle who eats slowly, so his pace can slow yours.
Wait for all the food to be on the table before making your selections. People who make their choices all at once eat about 14 percent less than do those who keep refilling when each plate is passed.
Keep visual evidence around of what you’ve consumed so you don’t forget. Leave an empty bottle of wine or beer in view and you’ll be less tempted to drink more.
Keep up on exercise:
8. Break it up. If you don’t have time for your daily four-mile walk, do a few 10- or 15-minute spurts of exercise throughout the day (to accumulate the surgeon general’s recommendation of 30 minutes a day). They can be just as effective at maintaining overall fitness as one continuous workout.
Tell yourself that all the running around you’re doing (cleaning for houseguests, dashing through a million stores to find the perfect presents) can help keep your weight in check. In one Harvard study, people who were simply told that they did enough in their daily lives to meet the surgeon general’s recommendations lost weight and body fat without consciously changing a thing. A possible reason? Believing that what they were doing was having a positive effect may have led to subtle changes in their overall health behaviors.
Choose your indulgences:
9. Plan in advance to eat a little more and be a little more flexible at this time of year, when you face daily temptations. That way, you can savor the culinary joys of the holidays a little more often and you'll be less likely to binge. For instance, rather than inhaling four sugar cookies on your cheat day, allow yourself one as a dessert when the mood strikes. Then make one little switch during the day to account for those calories―maybe skipping that morning latte or cutting out an afternoon snack.
Choose your indulgences wisely. Instead of wasting calories on foods that you can have at any time of the year, pick items that are truly special and unique to the season, like your grandmother's candied yams or your daughter's first batch of Christmas cookies.
So, which tip did you like the most or will you be trying?
I'm going to be avoiding restaurants who have a lot of red (McDonald's!) and working out more, along with trying the mint or piece of gum.
Monday, November 22, 2010
as if i wasn't having a hard enough time getting active...
this weekend, i went and broke my leg. a tendon pulled off my tibia, bringing some bone off with it. i'm still waiting for more instructions, as the urgent care visit was only yesterday-- hoping i can actually walk in the next few days. because BOY do i hate feeling helpless.
so anyways, no update. besides my non-activities.
good news? i walked a LOT before it happened. yay!
this weekend, i went and broke my leg. a tendon pulled off my tibia, bringing some bone off with it. i'm still waiting for more instructions, as the urgent care visit was only yesterday-- hoping i can actually walk in the next few days. because BOY do i hate feeling helpless.
so anyways, no update. besides my non-activities.
good news? i walked a LOT before it happened. yay!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I remembered it was Thursday!
Usually, I have a problem with Thursdays. I am in class from 11:30-4 without breaks on Thursday. I leave my apartment around 10:30 and return at 5. I also have started coaching from 6:30-8 four days a week. So on Thursdays, when I get home from class I usually forget to blog. But this week, I remembered! (Woot!)
I don't have a lot of positive to report or any real changes except, I'm not eating fast food. I've had fast food maybe twice since I last posted 3 (THREE???) weeks ago. I've been to the gym at least once a week for those last few weeks and continue to park my car in a way that maximizes the amount of walking I do on campus.
Additionally, I've cut down on the amount of juice and regular pop I drink. I drink only diet now or water. I've been drinking more water than I was, but not as much as I "should" be. I haven't lost any weight, but I'm feeling better. I'm not as sluggish or tired and I have more energy. So that is a definite plus!
With the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and all the extra food that gets passed around, I am grateful my Thanksgiving with my family was almost two weeks before the Thanksgiving at my in-laws. This spreads out the large caloric intake instead of doing back-to-back giant meals.
I'm in charge of dessert at my in-laws this Thursday. I'll be taking apple crisp and pretending it's good for you because it has apples in it and try to choose the white meat turkey rather than the ham my SIL loves. But that turkey is a treat. It comes on dry ice from Virginia and we only get it twice a year. Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm sure MIL would serve it for Easter as well, but we don't usually get together for Easter. Anyway, I'm going to try to freeze some of our ham to enjoy over time rather than pig out on it all in a few days. I only wish there was a way to hide it from the hubby... he'll probably eat it all before any left-overs make it to the freezer.
But aside from watching what I eat and walking, I have another tidbit I'd like to share: everything in moderation. Go ahead and have that piece of pie, but make it a smaller one. Eat stuffing, but make it a smaller serving. Snack on olives, but fewer than half the can. Enjoy the holiday, enjoy your family, and don't beat yourself up over it. Thanksgiving only comes once a year. (...Thankfully!)
I don't have a lot of positive to report or any real changes except, I'm not eating fast food. I've had fast food maybe twice since I last posted 3 (THREE???) weeks ago. I've been to the gym at least once a week for those last few weeks and continue to park my car in a way that maximizes the amount of walking I do on campus.
Additionally, I've cut down on the amount of juice and regular pop I drink. I drink only diet now or water. I've been drinking more water than I was, but not as much as I "should" be. I haven't lost any weight, but I'm feeling better. I'm not as sluggish or tired and I have more energy. So that is a definite plus!
With the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and all the extra food that gets passed around, I am grateful my Thanksgiving with my family was almost two weeks before the Thanksgiving at my in-laws. This spreads out the large caloric intake instead of doing back-to-back giant meals.
I'm in charge of dessert at my in-laws this Thursday. I'll be taking apple crisp and pretending it's good for you because it has apples in it and try to choose the white meat turkey rather than the ham my SIL loves. But that turkey is a treat. It comes on dry ice from Virginia and we only get it twice a year. Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm sure MIL would serve it for Easter as well, but we don't usually get together for Easter. Anyway, I'm going to try to freeze some of our ham to enjoy over time rather than pig out on it all in a few days. I only wish there was a way to hide it from the hubby... he'll probably eat it all before any left-overs make it to the freezer.
But aside from watching what I eat and walking, I have another tidbit I'd like to share: everything in moderation. Go ahead and have that piece of pie, but make it a smaller one. Eat stuffing, but make it a smaller serving. Snack on olives, but fewer than half the can. Enjoy the holiday, enjoy your family, and don't beat yourself up over it. Thanksgiving only comes once a year. (...Thankfully!)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Banishing the Can't
Wow, I spent more than a week without internet access and missed two weeks of posts, sorry guys!
I've been in Alaska for a week, and some of you have heard all about my hike from hell. Now, I'm a curvy girl, but I've never really considered myself inactive. I go on hikes, and it's not a big deal to do 5 miles or so. I just prefer not to go for severe elevation climbs, and I'm careful of the terrain due to an old knee injury. But, I was visiting a friend whom I've known since we were in kindergarten, and he's not exactly a health nut either, so I didn't really think to question what I was getting myself into when he suggested that we hike into the backcountry.
Now, the first mile was heavenly. Beautiful, just like you'd expect Alaska to be. Hiking's a little different when you have the extra weight of a rifle on your shoulder (have to watch out for the bears, you know!), but it was still wonderful. Mile two was...well...challenging. We went from trail to boardwalk (and by boardwalk, I literally mean a board about 16" wide, laying across the soggy ground), ICY boardwalk, across a soggy, marshy, series of meadows. I was freaked out. I'm not even going to lie, I was terrified of slipping and falling into the water and freezing. But, I did it, and I was so proud of myself for overcoming my fear that I kept right on trekkiing another mile into horrible, uphill, narrow, rocky sludge that only marginally qualified as a trail.
And then I fell. Completely rolled my left ankle on a nasty, rocky hillside. I could feel it was swelling inside of my boot, but I just didn't want to stop. My friend knew that I was hurt, and asked at several points if I wanted to turn back, but I didn't want to. I was so proud that I'd made it this far, climbing uphill, on horrible terrain, and I didn't want to give up, knowing what I could have done. I had my friend relace my boot for me (super-tight to hold in the swelling) and I moved onward.
Now, here's the deal. I know how to hike. I know the rules. I know that you pack food, water, and the 10 Essentials with you whenever you go out. But, I was in another state without my gear, and I didn't know where we were heading, so when I saw my friend leaving out without a pack or anything, I figured we were going out on a little day trip, basic public trail, nothing to worry about. I couldn't have been more wrong.
The sun started to set at about mile 3.5...did I mention this was a 7 mile hike? And all those treacherous icy paths I'd come across now had to be the dark? With zero light? Or water? Or food? With a swollen ankle screaming at me with every twist and turn of the wretched trail?
The only light we had between us was my cellphone, which I always keep on me when I remember it. (Call me morbid, but I know that the GPS in my phone can act as a locator, even if I have no cell service, and if I'm in trouble, I want someone knowing where I'm at. ) I was sobbing, in pain, and angry as hell, and nearly passed out when we finally made our way off the hill and go to the truck. It was, overall, a horrific nightmare.
Okay, okay, I hear you now "this is Twitter to get Fitter, where the heck is the fitter part of your rambling"?I'm getting there, I promise.
The whole experience was the worst thing I'd been through in a long time. I was honestly worried that we weren't going to get out of there that night, that I would be hurt beyond what I could walk on and rescue wouldn't be able to make it in... If there had been an option to sit down and wait for someone to come help, I would have leaped at the chance. If there were an option to do anything other than continue hiking in the dark, wounded and sobbing, I would have done it. But there wasn't. I had no choice, so I kept on going.
And I learned something in the process. I am capable of so much more than I had thought.
How many times have I sat down in Zumba, because I was too tired and "needed a break"? How many times did I cut short a walk or hike with Vegas because I wasn't "feeling up to it"? How many times have I sold myself short when in actuality, I had it in me all along?
How many times do we tell ourselves we CAN'T do something when what we really mean is 'I don't want to'? I can't work out today, I'm too tired. I can't cook a meal at home, I don't have the time. I can't take the dog for a walk, I have to do laundry. I'm guilty of every one of these, and more. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
This week, I'm going to be focusing on all the times where I sell myself short and don't give myself a chance to do more. I'm going to focus on every time I say that I can't, when what I really mean is 'I don't want to'. And then I'm going to make myself get up and do it anyway. 'Can't' is a word that is far too overused in my world. I plan on changing that.
I've been in Alaska for a week, and some of you have heard all about my hike from hell. Now, I'm a curvy girl, but I've never really considered myself inactive. I go on hikes, and it's not a big deal to do 5 miles or so. I just prefer not to go for severe elevation climbs, and I'm careful of the terrain due to an old knee injury. But, I was visiting a friend whom I've known since we were in kindergarten, and he's not exactly a health nut either, so I didn't really think to question what I was getting myself into when he suggested that we hike into the backcountry.
Now, the first mile was heavenly. Beautiful, just like you'd expect Alaska to be. Hiking's a little different when you have the extra weight of a rifle on your shoulder (have to watch out for the bears, you know!), but it was still wonderful. Mile two was...well...challenging. We went from trail to boardwalk (and by boardwalk, I literally mean a board about 16" wide, laying across the soggy ground), ICY boardwalk, across a soggy, marshy, series of meadows. I was freaked out. I'm not even going to lie, I was terrified of slipping and falling into the water and freezing. But, I did it, and I was so proud of myself for overcoming my fear that I kept right on trekkiing another mile into horrible, uphill, narrow, rocky sludge that only marginally qualified as a trail.
And then I fell. Completely rolled my left ankle on a nasty, rocky hillside. I could feel it was swelling inside of my boot, but I just didn't want to stop. My friend knew that I was hurt, and asked at several points if I wanted to turn back, but I didn't want to. I was so proud that I'd made it this far, climbing uphill, on horrible terrain, and I didn't want to give up, knowing what I could have done. I had my friend relace my boot for me (super-tight to hold in the swelling) and I moved onward.
Now, here's the deal. I know how to hike. I know the rules. I know that you pack food, water, and the 10 Essentials with you whenever you go out. But, I was in another state without my gear, and I didn't know where we were heading, so when I saw my friend leaving out without a pack or anything, I figured we were going out on a little day trip, basic public trail, nothing to worry about. I couldn't have been more wrong.
The sun started to set at about mile 3.5...did I mention this was a 7 mile hike? And all those treacherous icy paths I'd come across now had to be the dark? With zero light? Or water? Or food? With a swollen ankle screaming at me with every twist and turn of the wretched trail?
The only light we had between us was my cellphone, which I always keep on me when I remember it. (Call me morbid, but I know that the GPS in my phone can act as a locator, even if I have no cell service, and if I'm in trouble, I want someone knowing where I'm at. ) I was sobbing, in pain, and angry as hell, and nearly passed out when we finally made our way off the hill and go to the truck. It was, overall, a horrific nightmare.
Okay, okay, I hear you now "this is Twitter to get Fitter, where the heck is the fitter part of your rambling"?I'm getting there, I promise.
The whole experience was the worst thing I'd been through in a long time. I was honestly worried that we weren't going to get out of there that night, that I would be hurt beyond what I could walk on and rescue wouldn't be able to make it in... If there had been an option to sit down and wait for someone to come help, I would have leaped at the chance. If there were an option to do anything other than continue hiking in the dark, wounded and sobbing, I would have done it. But there wasn't. I had no choice, so I kept on going.
And I learned something in the process. I am capable of so much more than I had thought.
How many times have I sat down in Zumba, because I was too tired and "needed a break"? How many times did I cut short a walk or hike with Vegas because I wasn't "feeling up to it"? How many times have I sold myself short when in actuality, I had it in me all along?
How many times do we tell ourselves we CAN'T do something when what we really mean is 'I don't want to'? I can't work out today, I'm too tired. I can't cook a meal at home, I don't have the time. I can't take the dog for a walk, I have to do laundry. I'm guilty of every one of these, and more. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
This week, I'm going to be focusing on all the times where I sell myself short and don't give myself a chance to do more. I'm going to focus on every time I say that I can't, when what I really mean is 'I don't want to'. And then I'm going to make myself get up and do it anyway. 'Can't' is a word that is far too overused in my world. I plan on changing that.
Monday, November 15, 2010
remember hannah's post last week? when she said she was below her goal, and how she's skinny and all? well, she is. it's sickening, really. two gorgeous boys and she looks like she did in college. i was lucky enough to spend part of this weekend with her when she visited dallas. so on sunday morning we all went out to breakfast together, and i got what i always order (the pancake combo, hashbrowns, sausage, no eggs with fruit instead-- *hangs head*) know what hannah ordered? the same thing. only she had eggs instead of fruit. well, with all her weight loss, i'm positive she's going to be that girl that picks at half of the items, nibbles on the bacon, and that's it.
she ate it all.
so did i.
but she looks so much better than me! so i have decided that genetics sucks, and also that she usually drinks water for breakfast and lunch, and only ate pancakes to make me feel like not so much of a pig.
but anyways, i'm on the boat with leann. there are so many places in my life that i've lost control, so soon as i get them all under control, i'll feel like i have better control over my fitness and weight and dieting. wow, i just said control three times in one sentence. sorry about that.
she ate it all.
so did i.
but she looks so much better than me! so i have decided that genetics sucks, and also that she usually drinks water for breakfast and lunch, and only ate pancakes to make me feel like not so much of a pig.
but anyways, i'm on the boat with leann. there are so many places in my life that i've lost control, so soon as i get them all under control, i'll feel like i have better control over my fitness and weight and dieting. wow, i just said control three times in one sentence. sorry about that.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Reasons to stay Fit!
I had a great plan. I was gonna come in here, all serious like, with my serious cap on, and tell you all why you should stay fit. And then I was going to tell myself that I should do the same. It was a great plan.
I'm still going to tell you, but it's not going to be as well thought out as I had hoped. However, that doesn't mean it's not just as serious, and just as devastating.
Type 1 Diabetes is prevalent in my family. We are not obese, however this type of diabetes is as unfortunate as it's relative, and just as uncomfortable and deadly. My grandmother died of this last year. Genetically speaking, I'm very aware that there is a good chance I could also have this disease at some point... in thinking of this, and passing (luckily) my gestational glucose screening test last week, I started thinking about a type of diabetes that we CAN try to keep ourselves from getting... Type 2 Diabetes. Although this type is also genetic, there are ways that we can help ourselves, to avoid this unfortunate disease. And for those that try and cannot avoid it, I apologize for making this post seem like I have all the answers.
Now, ideally, I would have researched this all week, learning and sharing with you my findings. Unfortunately my life doesn't always allow for this luxury and this week, I couldn't quite get the ball rolling. (There was ALOT of tweeting to do people... do you know how much time that takes up?)
Instead, I will link you to the wikipedia page, so that you may have a read through, and remember why it is that it's important for us to eat healthy, and stay fit. Why it is important that we teach our children how to do the same, and why it is important that we nag the heck out of our husbands to lay off the crap.
And thank you. Without this blog, and my thoughts on an idea to help us stay fit, I would have never really thought as hard, or read up as much, on this disease. I really needed this reminder.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Changing My Mindset
I've had a huge problem getting into the grove lately in regards to fitness. I've been beating myself up for not going to the gym and for eating more mini-chocolate donuts than I should. It's starting to wear on me. But, it's not just my weight and eating that needs a tune-up. As Hannah mentioned the other day, this is Twitter to Get Fitter, not "Thinner" or "Skinnier." And my spiritual fitness needs to be in check, along with my finances. I just need a complete overhaul. For me, that starts with my spiritual life. If things are going well with my spirit and faith, then everything else falls in to place. So, here are the changes I plan on making (I know, I know. I tell you every week what I'm going to do differently and then I don't do it. But I'm REALLY gonna try).
- Start reading my Bible every day. I've already started this with Erin. We're doing a daily plan of some of the books in the New Testament. If you want to join us, feel free (this is the plan). If that's not your thing, then at least spend some time in solitude, praying or meditating or even reading. We often neglect our spirit but that's a huge part of who we are; it needs to be refreshed every now and then.
- Use Mom's elliptical on the days when my son is at her house (three days a week, usually). It's just too much to expect me to block out extra time at the gym every day right now. I'm just too busy with my commute, working, and trying to get back into town to pick my son up before it gets too dark. He's started going to bed earlier with the time change and getting dark early, so I feel like I don't need to spend any more time away from him than necessary because then I won't have supper fixed until after he goes to bed and that's just too late. I could possibly do some workouts at home after his bedtime but we have hardwoods and don't know how loud I'd end up being after he goes to bed. Using her elliptical will help me start slow with not as much pressure to use all the equipment at the gym.
- Drink more water and replace my bad food habits with more reasonable ones. Instead of coffee with the sugary vanilla creamer, I will use just plain CoffeeMate. Or the fat free vanilla latte cream I bought yesterday. It's not as tasty as the full-fat versions, but it's better than black. I'm going to try to drink more hot tea as well. We have free green tea bags here at work, so I'm going to take advantage of that. We also have cold water, so I need to buy a stainless steel water bottle so it will stay cold and I don't have to constantly buy bottled water. I am going to try to avoid sweets as much as possible. I know that will be difficult with the holidays, but if I can just cut down, that will be a major improvement rather than feeling guilty when I have half a sleeve of Chips Ahoy.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I did it... I am at (actually a few lbs BELOW) the goal I set for myself when this blog was started. In the beginning I had about 25 lbs to lose to get to my goal, and back into some pre-baby clothes. I am now there, consistently there after a month, not just having a good couple days on the scale. In addition I am back into the "normal" range for BMI.
This is where my internal debate comes in, do I still have anything to contribute to this blog? My answer so far is that this blog is called "Twitter to get Fitter" not Twitter to get thinner, or Twitter to lose weight. And, though I am now happy with my weight I am still not happy with my body and far from "Fit." I have areas that could use toning and I can't climb the stairs at the mall without being short of breath. My contributions will have to change, I need to start focusing more on maintaining, toning, working out - cardio and weights rather than fat burning. Finding more healthy recipes to incorporate into our everyday meals. Try to just live healthy in general. That will be a challenge for me as much as the actual weight loss was. I hate to exercise. I found every excuse in the book to stop doing the C25K thing. In the end I hated running and hated running in the dark even more.
So I am still here, I am just trying to collect my thoughts and change directions a bit.
This is where my internal debate comes in, do I still have anything to contribute to this blog? My answer so far is that this blog is called "Twitter to get Fitter" not Twitter to get thinner, or Twitter to lose weight. And, though I am now happy with my weight I am still not happy with my body and far from "Fit." I have areas that could use toning and I can't climb the stairs at the mall without being short of breath. My contributions will have to change, I need to start focusing more on maintaining, toning, working out - cardio and weights rather than fat burning. Finding more healthy recipes to incorporate into our everyday meals. Try to just live healthy in general. That will be a challenge for me as much as the actual weight loss was. I hate to exercise. I found every excuse in the book to stop doing the C25K thing. In the end I hated running and hated running in the dark even more.
So I am still here, I am just trying to collect my thoughts and change directions a bit.
Monday, November 8, 2010
remember leann's woe-is-me post? expect something similar from me.
my weight this morning? i don't want to talk about it. seriously.
because i'm pretty sure my breakfast didn't weigh 10 lbs.
so i can't blame it on that.
could it be the four meals i had yesterday?
or maybe the lack of activity i've been participating in.
but anyways, i'm all talk. i know what i should do, and i know that i should do it. but i don't.
i also don't sew anymore, but that's beside the issue.
sort of.
see, it all stems down to me not having time.
i don't have ANY time to myself. i have time to cook and to do homework and to grade tests. my life is, quite simply put, miserable--
with no time.
but honest? my life is great. i have a loving husband who helps with dishes (which i don't have time to wash), helps clean (which i don't have time to do), and lets the dog out early (which i don't like to do).
i have a beautiful home.
i have enough food to keep me healthy (obviously).
i just don't have time.
i hope to at least start my wii back up, but i make no promises. i get to bed late because i do homework, so i don't like waking up earlier than i have to.
i could walk, but i would be cutting into school time.
the easiest thing will be to eat better, so that i can promise to do. and i've been doing really well with having veggies in every meal, like i mentioned in a previous post.
the good news is that my clothes are still fitting well. once i get to where they're not fitting, i think i would cry. so i'll get to working so that i can go back into my skinny jeans (which are, yes, still hanging in my closet). don't get all excited. my "skinny" jeans are a size 16.
my weight this morning? i don't want to talk about it. seriously.
because i'm pretty sure my breakfast didn't weigh 10 lbs.
so i can't blame it on that.
could it be the four meals i had yesterday?
or maybe the lack of activity i've been participating in.
but anyways, i'm all talk. i know what i should do, and i know that i should do it. but i don't.
i also don't sew anymore, but that's beside the issue.
sort of.
see, it all stems down to me not having time.
i don't have ANY time to myself. i have time to cook and to do homework and to grade tests. my life is, quite simply put, miserable--
with no time.
but honest? my life is great. i have a loving husband who helps with dishes (which i don't have time to wash), helps clean (which i don't have time to do), and lets the dog out early (which i don't like to do).
i have a beautiful home.
i have enough food to keep me healthy (obviously).
i just don't have time.
i hope to at least start my wii back up, but i make no promises. i get to bed late because i do homework, so i don't like waking up earlier than i have to.
i could walk, but i would be cutting into school time.
the easiest thing will be to eat better, so that i can promise to do. and i've been doing really well with having veggies in every meal, like i mentioned in a previous post.
the good news is that my clothes are still fitting well. once i get to where they're not fitting, i think i would cry. so i'll get to working so that i can go back into my skinny jeans (which are, yes, still hanging in my closet). don't get all excited. my "skinny" jeans are a size 16.
check your progress,
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My butt has a butt

I was never good at using it. I think I got on the thing about 6 times... Never quite made it past 8 minutes and just about died each time... with the success I was having using my Wii, I could never bring myself to want to bust my lungs that way... and boy does it bust my lungs.
With all that being said, I looked in the mirror today. I saw a pregnant woman... and I'm ok with that... what I'm NOT ok with, is the fact that my butt had a butt. I kid you not, right below my butt is another butt. Okay, okay... it's not quite a butt, but it's like... all hangy and stuff. When did this happen? Now is NOT the time for saggy butt issues. I'm 2 months away from 30 with enough image issues to fill 47 blog posts.
*Sigh* Tomorrow, I will pull the clothes off the eliptical (I'm not going to lie, I probably won't hang them up) and I'm going to slooooowly and carefully walk on it. That is the goal. For my butt's sake.
If I go into labour before next week, I promise it'll make for an awesome Sunday blog post... ;)
Friday, November 5, 2010
This is an accountability check. That's progress, right?
Well, I have basically nothing to report this week other than I am lazy and eat too many cookies. I want to lose weight without having to get off my tush to go to the gym or quit eating sweets; I didn't win the genetic lottery, to borrow a phrase from Kyrstin. Leftover Halloween candy haunts me (luckily, it's almost gone) and Husband must have cookies in the house at all times. I'm going to start buying ones that I don't like (Pecan Sandies, Double-stuffed Oreos, Nutter Butters, etc.) so I won't eat them. Pretty much nothing that has chocolate in them. Can't. Resist. Chocolate.
I could attend Zumba once a week (it's only $5 a sesson here in town) but I don't have the time. Class starts at 7 and I start getting the baby ready for bed around 7:30. UGH! Does it ever get better? Before I had a kid, I just thought I was busy. I had no idea.
All this is compounded by the fact that Thanksgiving is coming. I loooooooooove Thanksgiving food. And I'm sorry, but yes, I'm going to overdo it. Sweet potato casserole, corn bread dressing, buttery rolls. Nothing is healthy about any of that. Thanksgiving comes but once a year and I will partake.
In more positive news, I did sign up for the American Heart Association walking program but I haven't even started. I signed up Monday and it generated a program for me that will start out slow and gradually increase in intensity for weight loss. I haven't done a thing all week. Maybe it will get better. But I have brother is getting married in April and I don't want to be the fat sister.
I believe Kyrstin signed up. Does anyone else want to join us?
LeLe, out.
Well, I have basically nothing to report this week other than I am lazy and eat too many cookies. I want to lose weight without having to get off my tush to go to the gym or quit eating sweets; I didn't win the genetic lottery, to borrow a phrase from Kyrstin. Leftover Halloween candy haunts me (luckily, it's almost gone) and Husband must have cookies in the house at all times. I'm going to start buying ones that I don't like (Pecan Sandies, Double-stuffed Oreos, Nutter Butters, etc.) so I won't eat them. Pretty much nothing that has chocolate in them. Can't. Resist. Chocolate.
I could attend Zumba once a week (it's only $5 a sesson here in town) but I don't have the time. Class starts at 7 and I start getting the baby ready for bed around 7:30. UGH! Does it ever get better? Before I had a kid, I just thought I was busy. I had no idea.
All this is compounded by the fact that Thanksgiving is coming. I loooooooooove Thanksgiving food. And I'm sorry, but yes, I'm going to overdo it. Sweet potato casserole, corn bread dressing, buttery rolls. Nothing is healthy about any of that. Thanksgiving comes but once a year and I will partake.
In more positive news, I did sign up for the American Heart Association walking program but I haven't even started. I signed up Monday and it generated a program for me that will start out slow and gradually increase in intensity for weight loss. I haven't done a thing all week. Maybe it will get better. But I have brother is getting married in April and I don't want to be the fat sister.
I believe Kyrstin signed up. Does anyone else want to join us?
LeLe, out.
check your progress,
Monday, November 1, 2010
we have a new start!
check it out, ladies! we have a new starting point!
as i was on south campus, eating lunch with a friend (chinese. i don't wanna talk about it), i saw a poster and thought i'd look into it a little more.
so there's this national start eating healthy day, sponsored by the american heart association. you can get more information by going to the walking site, which i don't get, because i couldn't find much more information (well, my computer is loading the internet really really slow for some reason. that's probably it). but anyways, we all have until this wednesday to eat junk food. but seriously, think of the timing. right after halloween, so you can devour all that candy you didn't give out (or that you stole from your little ones).
but then...
(insert scary music here)
it's the holidays.
you know what that means.
so here's what i need to work on over the next, well, forever, but i'll start with it over the holidays. eating less. if i want to try some of everything, grab a BITE. that's right, just a bite. and when i'm making things, i'll continue to make them healthier. like, adding applesauce instead of oil when i'm baking. and using seasonings to make things flavorful instead of salt.
i'll make it through this, no problem. i got it. and, i'm going to follow the AHA and start eating healthy.
on wednesday.
as i was on south campus, eating lunch with a friend (chinese. i don't wanna talk about it), i saw a poster and thought i'd look into it a little more.
so there's this national start eating healthy day, sponsored by the american heart association. you can get more information by going to the walking site, which i don't get, because i couldn't find much more information (well, my computer is loading the internet really really slow for some reason. that's probably it). but anyways, we all have until this wednesday to eat junk food. but seriously, think of the timing. right after halloween, so you can devour all that candy you didn't give out (or that you stole from your little ones).
but then...
(insert scary music here)
it's the holidays.
you know what that means.
so here's what i need to work on over the next, well, forever, but i'll start with it over the holidays. eating less. if i want to try some of everything, grab a BITE. that's right, just a bite. and when i'm making things, i'll continue to make them healthier. like, adding applesauce instead of oil when i'm baking. and using seasonings to make things flavorful instead of salt.
i'll make it through this, no problem. i got it. and, i'm going to follow the AHA and start eating healthy.
on wednesday.
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