Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Challenge Pics...

One more pound down. 3 weeks until my vacation. My goal is to not take any maternity pants with me. I am worried that my hips are a bit wider now, so I might not fit even though my weight is the same. ::sigh:: I went through this same thing with my first and never got back down to my former size. I'm still hoping things will be different this time around.

I don't have any useful info to offer this week. We have fallen into a bit of a rut food-wise. Plus, with my discovery of the McCafe frappe Mocha I'll be lucky to maintain my weight and not gain it back.

For Tamara's challenge:

I do a small-ish yoga workout when the kids are napping. A few standing poses, (e.g. downward facing dog, warrior 2, triangle) a few seated/twists, etc.

I normally do them in my bedroom so I did a couple poses as usual, hitting the self timer button in between, and went I went to review the pics I realized the room was too dark. Not to mention the focus was off. This is supposed to be triangle pose.

So, halfway through I relocated to my husband's office, where the light is a bit better, for the seated poses.

This is your standard forward bend. Thanks to the post-baby jelly belly I can't get past the toes yet.

And moving into child's pose. If your upper back is tight this helps.... A LOT.

And, for the sake of the photos, I tried to redo a few standing poses. Downward Dog...
but you can't really tell.

I love love love yoga and took audited yoga classes daily in college. I do feel a lot better when I practice regularly. Of course this doesn't include any cardio unless you count running back and forth to the camera to hit the self timer button. For cardio I have the Wii, it just wasn't Wii day. I also run around the playground with my 20 lb medicine ball baby and 30 lb toddler. Besides, we didn't need the same workout pics two days in a row :)


Hannah said...

Woah, looks like my next goal after weight loss needs to be toning, specifically arms.

LeLe said...

I think your arms look great. And Child's Pose is awesome for stretching the back. I need to do it more. I've never been flexible, so even before I was pregnant, I couldn't touch my toes. My mom can't either. Must be some weird gene.

Hannah said...

Thats funny. I am the freak in my family who has to work to touch my toes. My grandmother can actually bend totally double and if she puts her feet a little wider than shoulder width she can touch her head to the floor.

LeLe said...

Oh, my word!

Anonymous said...

Please explain the child's pose? I'm terrified to try yoga. I don't know why...
It sure is difficult to use the self- timer and focus on your own! I wish Chris had been here last night to take my photo.

Hannah said...

Child's pose - kneel on the floor with knees about shoulder width or so (depending on flexibility) with toes touching, heels pointed outward. Lay your chest on your knees, head on the floor. Stretch your arms out fingertips on the floor till you feel the "pull" then you wrap your arms behind you, palms up, resting by your feet.

This website has a handy-dandy animation http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/yogapractice/childpose.asp