May 10 kicks off the President's Challenge, which is a "program that encourages all Americans to make being active part of their everyday lives." Basically, if you can spend 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week for a period of 6 weeks doing something active, you can do this program. The website allows you to keep track of your activities and at the end, you get an "award."
Sound interesting? Check out the rules. You can also take a look at all the activities that count. Since I know I won't be able to do any strenuous activity for awhile after the baby is born, I fully plan on counting housework and walking as my activities. And even if I can't fully participate, at least it might encourage me to get started with some sort of routine. I have a free gym at work, so once my maternity leave is over, I don't really have an excuse to sit on my lazy booty all the time. Although, it will be hard not to just come on home and snuggle with the boy. And at least I have a great stroller and a safe neighborhood that where I can walk the baby. And we don't live very far from a park that has a walking path. All good things.
You can sign up as a group (if your company wants to get together and create one--mine did, since I work for the government) so that you can track team progress or leave that part blank. It asked me for my weight, and obviously, I'm not entering mine since I plan on losing a LOT of it the day I give birth. Thank goodness that was optional!
There is also an option for those who are already active, called the Presidential Champions Program. The goals on that option are a little more strenuous, but you may want to look into that if you want a good challenge. You can always go back and change your options during the timeframe that you're working on this. Nothing is set in stone.
So, anyway, I hope this will help me to be accountable once I am able to start exercising and well on my way to being Fit By Twitter!
thanks for all the information. i definitely plan on incorporating sky diving, nordic walking, and curling into my daily activities. :-)
but honestly, the list is awesome. sometimes we forget that things like working around the house, or walking, counts as activity.
Curling, FTW! But seriously, I put bowling as one of my activities because I lurve it.
i saw! just another excuse to go. "but honey, it's part of my exercise program!"
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