206. I am six pounds from my first goal... I can almost see myself there... It's quite exciting...
Until I remember that I have a wedding dress that is being altered for a 210 lb me... and that if I lose any more weight it's going to be too big. Again.
So, in the meantime, I'm carrying, lifting, and dragging as much stuff as I can. I'm trying to tone up my muscles by using everyday object I encounter at home and work. For example, I routinely volunteer to get chicken out of the meat cooler at work. Why? Because I can get in a few reps of picking up and setting down 40 lb boxes of chicken. Sneaky, huh? I also wash windows at work every day. The repetition of that has to be good something, right?
At home, I've been cleaning. A lot. Stooping, bending, lifting boxes over my head into the attic... All of these things must count as "working out"? Right?
Maybe not... but I'm cleaning every day and things that normally don't get cleaned. It feels above and beyond as we're in hyper-over-drive mode with my future in-laws visiting this weekend for my bridal shower! Wish me luck... ;-)
yay! congrats! what a difficult predicament you must be in, wanting to lose weight but not getting that additional fitting in...
and thanks for the reminder of the "everyday workouts" we can do-- cleaning is one of the best examples of this! doesn't it feel great to sweat after a good scrubbing? :-)
Yes and no. LOL It feels like you've hardly done anything until you look around at the clean floors and dust-free surfaces and are like... wow. I really did just clean all that!
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