Monday, March 7, 2011

one week-- right!

i don't even know how many times i've said i'm back. but really. once you stop trying is when you really fail. isn't there a quote like that out there? anyways, leann said recently that it's about changing so much more, and that's true. i can't tell you how great things are in my overall life right now. money's going alright. we're maybe moving to a new place to be able to put some in savings. and, like leann, i'm doing the 30-day challenge on encouraging your husband. god is so good.

so, i guess the next place i need to keep working is at my fitness. and darlings, as much as i talk about wanting to be fit, right now my motivation is weight loss. i'm currently more than i've weighed in about a year or so. blame it on stress from school, or work, or whatever. but blaming doesn't help my jeans fit better. you know what does? watching what i eat. taking a walk during lunch. yeah. that.

so, i've faithfully used the loseit app on my phone for all of last week.

and i did good! as much as it looks like i'm under, i'm sure it's much closer to being on target. i try to document correctly, but when there's three options for "apple", how do i know i'm picking the right one? the good thing about at least writing it all down is that it keeps me accountable. i don't eat whatever i want, then write it down. if i did that, every day would be red. instead, i bring cupcakes for a work meeting, but don't eat any. i choose water over calorie-filled beverages. and i eat breakfast. that's a big one for me.

anyways, i know this post wasn't full of inspiration, or even a recipe, but i just wanted you all to know i'm back. and instead of not documenting my weight because i'm ashamed of it, i'm writing it down now. so if you follow me on twitter, i didn't actually gain 7 pounds in a week. i just hadn't written it down in so long. but it's time to be honest, and follow through!

i need to start walking.


LeLe said...

We must be on the same page today. As much as I LOATHE keeping track of my calorie intake, I submitted and wrote down what I ate for breakfast and went ahead and made sure I looked at the labels for what I brought for lunch. I have a hard time, though, when it comes to stuff I fix for supper. Like, when I'm making homemade pizza tonight, what in the world do I put for that?

I also need to walk and luckily, it's starting to warm up. Jared is getting married April 23 and I'd like to lose 10 pounds by then but I'm not getting my hopes up. I just don't want to struggle to find a dress that I look awesome in.

Krissy said...

I need to walk for both me and my dog. She's getting chunky, and I can't have that. I won't ruin her health because of my laziness, so that's helping to motivate me! Hey, whatever works.