Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our 30 Days!

Habits are hard to break, but easy to form. So if I create a new good habit should be easy and it should stick, right? Well, so far... yes! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... yes! Since this is going up before I'm up for the day on Thursday I'm going to bet I'll still work out. I think the hardest part of the work out is my mental attitude about 2/3 of the way through. I start to hurt and get tired and then I'm just ready to stop. But once I'm done with the work out and back to relative normal (not sweating like crazy) everything is much better. I feel like I could have/should have gone longer. But I'm bumping up to 2 miles on Monday we'll see that goes. Overall this wasn't so bad. I'm ready to keep going.

Also, if you're interested I'm tracking my activity and calories on Spark People. Feel free to add me as a friend. I like it better than Lose It! because for me it's easier to use, but they are essentially the same thing. An added bonus to Spark People is the point system where you get points for signing in every day and virtual trophies. You also can set goals and track them on the site. There are recipes and blogs and other inspirational tools. I also have my measurements posted on our Spruz site. So check it out!


Anonymous said...

i was either lazy (by not doing anything yesterday), or a good listener (wii told me it was the day off!).

but taking the day off yesterday was great. i was worried that my thighs would cramp up, but they actually feel great today, and i finally feel the sore in my butt from the lunges. so i'm looking forward to going back to it today!

LeLe said...

I didn't do anything yesterday either but didn't have a problem getting back at it this morning. However, the intensity of today's workout wasn't all that so I might go walking at lunch since I'm not sore or worn out. :) And I didn't overindulge on my b-day supper, so WIN.

Kyrstin said...

That is awesome ladies! I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday Lele! And yay for a day off. I think I'm taking mine on Saturday since hubby and I are going to Des Moines and doing some mall walking (20 minutes perhaps?) so maybe it won't be a real day off, but it'll be different. Also, we're going to a movie/out for lunch. But hopefully that doesn't mean it has to be a high calorie day, especially if I sneak in grapes or trail mix (or even both) into the show inside my purse.

LeLe said...

I looked ahead and Active has a rest day on Saturday but we're going to the zoo, so I'll be getting some exercise pushing the stroller around. I'm gonna try to pack some healthy snacks and I'm sure we'll eat at the zoo. Maybe we'll even have a picnic. Keep up the good work! I'm so proud of you for getting a schedule together even though you're not able to follow along with us. You're probably getting better workouts than we are!