Oatmeal - 325 Calories
1 cup oatmeal with raisins
1 cup of fruit
1 cup coffee or tea
1 banana

Soup - 350 Calories
1 bowl of soup
1 small tossed salad
2 tablespoons reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz water
4 saltine crackers

Chicken - 345 Calories
6 oz of chicken
1 cup of green beans
2 pats of low-fat butter
1 small tossed salad
2 tablespoons reduced fat oil and vinegar dressing
12 oz water
They all look totally do-able and leave some room for snacking during the day as well. I notice that this diet also seems to be relatively low carb.
Another interesting resource I found was a chart of relative measurements at MyPhotoDiet.com

Once again, handy to help visualize how much you are eating relative to what a normal portion should be.
EDIT: Sorry for the chart size, I cant seem to get it both big enough to read and not cut off the ends of the sentences.
i'm always a fan of meal ideas! it's important to mention that a "serving" of soup is usually half a can, not a full one. boo. but adding a salad and a few crackers makes it much better!
portion sizes had always been my downfall, but you're right-- the loseit app totally helps with that. besides being more aware of "what", i'm paying much more attention to "how much" also.
it's working!
OMG. If that is a dinner portion, I'm eating for three.
This was a real eye opener. Thank you!
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