Hey! Look at that! Almost 2 lbs down! In true Tamara style, I must continue to publicly humiliate myself by posting my weight every week, in order to keep myself accountable. Not so bad really... a good push in the right direction. Anyhoo, as some of you may know, I have a relatively new child.
Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I don't... and sometimes I think I can do it all! Hurrah! Go Tamara! With no sleep. Mmmm... not so much. I got worn down, downright exhausted, and then I got sick.
SO! NEW PLAN! While I will continue to work out (cheer!) I will not diet. No sir. Gimme some cheeseburgers... (just kidding guys... that would be mean) but I will continue to keep taking in the proper amount of calories for my bod... I just really hope that the workouts, and my conscientious (balanced!) meals help me continue to lose weight like I did this week. I'm going to keep hoping.
In saying that, I did miss two work outs this week. I'm going to get back on it tomorrow... I'd hate for it to tell me to start over!
I'm really really interested in hearing about what you guys are eating (and not eating!) as we move through this challenge. Tuna and rice cakes aren't cutting it. Or special K cereal. Or boring chicken.
I'm starving. :D
you have the cutest big toe i've ever seen.
In response to what I've been eating, the answer is more veggies and more fruit. Less chips/crackers and adding in 100 calorie pop popcorn if I need something salty and a single wafer cookie for sweet (or grapes. mmmmm grapes!) Also, by adding a slice of pepperjack cheese I get the shot of extra flavor I crave on my other-wise boring turkey sandwich (on 100 calorie sandwich thin) for only 80 calories. (The slices from Wal-Mart aren't quite the full 1 oz serving, but it's perfect for a sandwich.) I also like fat-free cottage cheese (1/2 cup, 80 calories, 9 gram protein) or greek yogurt. I'm thinking about trying smoothies this week. I have a very under-used blender that we got last June as a wedding gift. I had hoped to make margaritas, but I haven't gotten to host girl's night yet!
I'm also reaching for water every time my feel a little hungry. If I still feel hungry after a whole bottle then I reach for one of the above mentioned snacks.
Honestly, I have been eating pretty much like normal. I am trying to eat more fruit and veggies, but since I'm still nursing I need to make sure that I take in enough calories that I'm not shortchanging the little one. I second the vote for Greek yogurt, and smoothies are awesome, we do an "antioxidant smoothie" made from frozen mix berries, green tea and pomegranate juice that is great with breakfast.
I'm really not doing THAT much different on eating other than leaving out all the sweets and junk. I'm eating the same breakfast, same lunch, similar dinner (more veggies, less carbs) and just all healthy snacks. No cokes, no candy bars, no half-bag of chips. It's not as hard as I thought.
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