So, how's everyone been doing? Made any progress? Meet any goals this week?
Talk to us.
What are you plans afterward? Do you plan on continuing with your exercise regimen, or possibly changing it up a bit? Are you done after this?
Personally, I plan to keep my momentum going. I have Zumba Fitness
And I plan on continuing to utilize our community site. I hope you will, too. I still have goals to meet well after our 30 days are up.
Post here or write up a forum post on Spruz about the results you're seeing, how you feel, or whatever you want. Just let us know the link here in the comments.
You're doing great and are almost done with 30 days! Gives yourselves a pat on the back!
i have a couple of options. one is to redo the 30-day challenge at the "medium" speed. but that scares me. another option (and the one i'll probably do) is to do my workouts through the nike training club. it's a neat app that talks you through a sort of circuit training. even though each of the exercises are only a minute long, and there's rest periods in there, it's kicked my butt the times i've done it already. so that's probably my next goal.
I didn't gain or lose this week. I fixed my scale (Hannah suggested changing the batteries and it appears to have worked). But I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the challenge using the game b/c my lower legs kill me everytime. I couldn't even do the kickups on yesterday's workout. I had to do them slow the whole time, couldn't do the fast ones b/c it hurt my ankle.
I'll keep trying but I don't want to injury myself. I added my own little sports session b/c I wish there was more of that and less of the other stuff. So, days when I have more time (like the weekend or maybe even right before bed, since it's only 10 minutes), I can do that in addition since it's fun and quick.
Forgot to mention (and I already told Erin this) that I had to change my jeans yesterday b/c the first pair I had on were too big! Even though I'm not seeing fast results on weight loss, that right there is proof that I'm making progress.
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