here's the results from my goals last week:
document everything i eat:
i used the loseit! app on my iPhone and did really good at documenting things. it often came down to, "do i really want to document this? no? okay- better not eat it"-- i also looked forward to documenting the workouts, but that's another goal...
take the stairs:
okay. i took the stairs on monday, then on tuesday, i used my lunch break to walk the stairs for 10 minutes. that's actually a really difficult feat, ya know? by wednesday, i was starting to feel ill, so didn't walk them the rest of the week.
exercise 4 times:
i exercised on sunday, monday, and tuesday... then wednesday i came home to find bella had eaten the television remote, so i couldn't access the wii. i know it may sound like an excuse, but again-- by wednesday i started to feel sick so put off exercising the rest of the week. so, i exercised 3 times. not too bad for a first start. i also exercised by using what was available to document in my loseit! app. this includes things like yardwork, house cleaning, and just walking. the list is HUGE.
eat fresh veggies:
YAAY! one goal totally completed. i ate fresh veggies every day with lunch or dinner, or as a snack. i had a good time cutting up the veggies sunday night, and preparing them in individual baggies for my lunches. ate carrots, green bell pepper, and oranges. yumm-o.
no sweets:
FAIL. the end. i can't live without sweets it seems. well, maybe i'm just not strong enough yet.
alright. time to be bold. i did end up losing weight last week, but it may have been cause i caught that terrible cold. well, i lost two pounds. so i can tell you now, that my current weight is (deep breath here) 200 lbs. and i only tell you all this because you're my accountability and i don't want to hide things from you. this is actually the lowest i've weighed in about 3 years. i had a horrible side effect from some medications, and gained about 100 lbs. i mentioned this in my "about me", but it's important enough to reiterate. i'm doing well. i want to lose another 40 lbs to be back at my weight before i got on that med. so, there's my progress, and my overall goal.
Hurray! I am so excited for you, it sounds like you did a fantastic job this week sticking to your goals and it paid off.
On the bright side, you only weigh 3 more pounds than I do! Hahaha. Sorry, I know that doesn't help.
As for sweets, it's pretty much impossible to go cold turkey. Just start cutting back and eating them in moderation and you'll eventually get to it.
You know what sucks? If I weren't pregnant, I'd totally be losing weight right now because this cold is making my appetite non-existent. Blah.
200 pounds of BEAUTY!
You are doing great. We just have to keep remembering why we're doing this, and how much it will help us. Honestly, I do the "one bite" approach. Instead of denying myself, I take a bite, and then I put it back. I know, I know... I don't know where my will power came from either, but it's here now and I'm taking advantage of it!
I have a pair of jeans from when I was pre-pregnant uber skinny. Its stares at me daily... giving me the evil eye. Oooh evil jeans.
xox I'm very proud of your choices... I'm going to make veggie baggies too!
Erin, first off you're beautiful. I agree with Tamara. I can say that I am MUCH larger than you, but currently do not have the courage to put my weight here. You keep up the hard work sweetheart. You'll make it to your goal, one carrot stick at a time. Proud of you girlie :)
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