Saturday, February 13, 2010

You Got To Move It, Move It!

Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, over-the-counter diet pills, fat burners, etc... are great aides when it comes to losing those unwanted pounds. However, if you don't get up and move, it's all a waste of money. Research has proven that you have to move to lose weight. Does this mean you have to run out and join a gym? Nope. Do you have to invest in countless exercise DVD's or exercise equipment that eventually turns in to clothes racks? Nope. It is a proven fact that simply getting your heart rate up is key to losing weight.

Walking is a great way to start building up stamina and losing weight. Start out by setting goals. If you are a beginner, like me, start out slow and build up. My goals are simple and realistic. Don't set your goal too high. You are not going to start out walking 5 miles a day, if you don't walk at all now. I have set my goal to take a walk around my block, twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. For me, it takes about 10 minutes to do so. I know that seems extreme, since it’s just a block. However, for my height and current weight, it's going to be a workout for me. Within two weeks, I hope to be able to walk the block twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon, in less than 15 minutes each time. By the end of the first month, I hope I can walk the block, three times in the morning and three times in the afternoon in less than 20 minutes.

Exercising doesn't have to be mundane or expensive. If you are not able to go for a walk outside due to the weather, etc... Jump in the car and go to the mall or your favorite department store. Walking the perimeter of the mall/store is great exercise and you can do window shopping at the same time! Just remember, keep moving! Don't stop to gawk at that new handbag or shoes in the display window. You can always come back to that store when you finish.

Setting realistic goals will help you succeed in your weight loss journey. So, I challenge all of you to put in those headphones and head out the door. Go for a walk around the neighborhood, your favorite park or local mall/department store. Because,


Anonymous said...

that song should be on my workout soundtrack. good one!

i like ideas about "easy" things, like walking around the mall-- and thanks for reminding us that "window shopping" and "mall walking" are not necessarily the same thing :-)

Tamara said...
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Tamara said...

OH man.... all those times I thought I was mall-walking, and I was actually window shopping! I will now have your voice in the back of my mind while I shop.... "keep your heart rate up, come back for those jeans..."

Oh how I hate walking around my neighborhood. I have to do it, but I hate it. So boring. I wish I had virtual reality glasses so I could be walking around somewhere fun. Have they made those? Maybe I should make em.

Okay I'm seriously going to look into that.