Monday, February 15, 2010

REAL goals for this week

Document everything I eat. EVERYthing I eat. See, I've got this handy-dandy app on my iPhone called Lose It which makes it very simple to do, as long as I actually, well, do it.

Take the stairs. Have you heard? Up two, down three. That's a recommendation for how to take the stairs. i.e. I work on the 3rd floor. That's going up two. Given, there is an "empty" half-floor in between, so going from the 1st to the 3rd is really like going up three floors, not two. Regardless, I have used my healing ankle injury as an excuse for too long. I want to take the stairs at least twice daily (up to work, and down from work), every working day this week.

Exercise four times this week. Seriously. I bought the Wii Active after Tamara's suggestion last week. I started it yesterday afternoon, and it kicked my butt for a whole 15-ish minutes. I thought about setting it on the "medium" 30-Day Challenge, but decided on the "easy". Boy, am I glad I did. Few things;
1) this gal doesn't like to run. it made me run three times. THREE times.
2) it's made for skinny people. the leg band *barely* fits around my upper thigh.
3) most importantly, i felt really good after i finished. I sat down and didn't quite feel as much like napping as I did before I did it (course, I still rested my eyes for a few minutes. okay. for 75 minutes.). Plus, I just felt good that I was able to do it, and that I was dripping sweat and looking gnarly.

Eat fresh veggies. I want to go to the store and buy some peppers and carrots and celery and broccoli and just any sort of veggie that you can eat fresh. Sometimes fruits aren't that great for you, plus I don't like fruit with cheese... but veggies with a small chunk of cheese is supposed to be a snack that helps curb your appetite.

No sweets. Woah. That's a big one. But I'm serious. I want to see if I can go one week without sweets. Wait. Does this include Diet Pepsi? Lemme think about that one... yes. It does. It includes all sugary beverages. Water or unsweet tea or black coffee only.

I'm documenting my weight today, and will tell you in one week if I lost any weight, and if so, how much. I'm honestly hoping for something like, maybe 2-3 lbs? Is that a safe and reasonable amount to expect? Maybe I should go into this without any guesses... hmmm... wish me luck.


Tamara said...

Woot! You are getting serious now! Can't wait to see how you do. It's going to be a great week!

Anonymous said...

see? comments like this are the reason i do this blog :-)
PS my thighs are *burning* from yesterday's workout. but i can't wait to do it again today!

LeLe said...

2-3 pounds a week is reasonable but maybe not right at the beginning. I don't want you to feel bad if you don't lost that weight and then give up. It has always taken me awhile to lose pounds when I first start. You might want to measure inches instead because you can really see a difference there. When you build muscle, it's heavy and can cancel out the poundage that you are losing.

As for taking the stairs, my freshman year, I lived on the fifth floor. The elevators were constantly breaking down so I got used to taking the stairs. By the end of the first semester, even my DAD noticed my thighs were smaller. Instead of gaining the "freshman 15," I lost like 5-10 pounds.

Anonymous said...

I figure as long as I'm feeling better about myself and fitting better into clothes, the numbers on the scale aren't as important to me. Well, I say that now...

Love your stair story. I hope for a similar one :-)

LeLe said...

Yeah, clothes fitting looser is a good indicator that you're on the right track. :)

LeLe said...

*she says while she eats a Tony's pepperoni pizza for lunch*

Kyrstin said...


So, I love your goals. Erin, you make me smile. You goals are awesome and I know that they are VERY realistic.

I never thought of measuring inches, I'll have to do that.

BTW, I might write my own goals and publish them on my personal blog. This week, might not be a good week to set goals... a lot of stress. But I do have a good topic for Thursday... :-)

Anonymous said...

I went shopping today-- and bought green peppers, carrots and mini naval oranges (the size of clementines) for my snacks this week. also bought the stuff to make stephanie's taco soup. yay!

LeLe said...

I bought a 3-lb bag of Cuties (Clementines) today!

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm a whole two days into my goals, and I've had sweets both days. Booo. Maybe that wasn't a good goal for me to set yet.

Kyrstin said...


Are you eating the same amount of sweets you were before? For example, are you eating a whole regular size candy bar or just 2 of the mini ones (the bite size ones that fit in candy jars)? If it's less than you were before, I think it counts as a goal still met! :-)